Saturday, June 1, 2019

Better 'Ink Twice

I'm not ready to reveal the cover for this one yet, but it's gorgeous and I know you're going to love it as much as I do! Book two in the Touch Of Ink series is coming along - a little slower than I'd hoped but we're still on target for a 2019 release. I'm hoping by HallowRead. I'd love to see first run print editions sitting on my table for that event. Lol!

Adeline's got a long road ahead of her, going up against the Magistrate and taking down Winslow. Challenges in her magical life aren't all she'll face. There's trouble brewing in her personal life too! But no spoilers! I won't give any secrets away for anyone who hasn't read 'Ink It Over yet.

Don't forget to grab you tickets for HallowRead 2019 this year. Looks like it's going to be a sellout with the amazing Sherrilyn Kenyon in the house! There's great sponsors, and panels! You do not want to miss out!

Oh, and sharing for a friend! The Cursed Key is running a pre-order special you don't want to miss either. Just $0.99 for this New Adult Urban Fantasy! Grab a copy on sale while you cane!